5thDimensional Artwork
Art is usually portrayed on a wall for viewers to observe
to evaluate,
to judge,
to like, to dislike,
to critic,
to buy

yet here is another way to feel the landscape…
to enter into it… yes inside another dimension & another landscape
Dancing inside the 5th Dimension – allows you to drift into another Cosmic Dimension and Artistic Landscape.
Become the brush as you dance inside a multi dimensional projected arena.
Art & Music, Art & Dance… for you to bathe in…
You are Welcome to come in White…

This particular style of Eva Ariela was born out of a deeper awareness of how vibrant colors and the medium of oil can convey a certain vibration of other energy consciousness and symbolic movement. Her art comes to celebrate the imagination of the human soul, the cosmic energy patterns and deeper mysteries. It invites the viewer to enter into an unknown yet friendly and magical landscape.
The “5th Dimensional “ language is also a medium used to enhance a sharper seeing “beyond the canvas”.
What might appear as one image, unfolds into more of an expanded observation if one takes the time to look closer and deeper into the content. The paintings are created in a manner where the images become gateways into another world of interpretation. The symbols are integral parts of the paintings, as it comes to remind us of fluid sacred geometric forms of the universal life forces embedded in our consciousness as well as in nature.
The 5th Dimensional Happening is a Multi-media Art event with Music and Dance. People are invited to either observe or partake inside a projected artistic area – a so called 5th Dimension landscape… to experience a magical artistic space. This particular oil painting art style, Eva Ariela developed in Berkeley, California in 1990. Since then it’s been hosted in USA, Europe and Israel.At times, added are story telling themes within the multi media projection of the 5th Dimensional Artwork. One of them being the ‘Creation Story’ or other Multi Media Performances, such as Flamenco Dancing, followed by Movement Workshop and Free Dance & Music, and more.
Community Dancing Art, Music & Dance inside the 5th Dimension Teatron Tmona, Jerusalem, 2013
5th Dimensional Happening, Gothenburg, Sweden. 2015
Women Dancing inside the 5th Dimension, Zichron Art Center, Zichron Yaakov,2017
Source of Inspiration
The Source of Inspiration in Eva Ariela’s oil paintings stems from a state of consciousness which has been accessed through years of painting and spiritual growth. This process has become a basis for the development of the 5th Dimensional Artwork, which is expressed through these art forms:
Art ~ Music ~ Dance ~ Movement

- The Paintings give room for you to complete the image in your own way.
- The Colors & Forms that are present in the paintings allow for subjective associations, without imposing limits.
- The Design & Free flowing patterns stem from intuitive consciousness of the energy emitted from the observed or perceived forms. The Art invites the viewer to journey into exotic areas – where the day to day reality fades away and other dimensions gradually seep in.
“Many ask me what is the 5th Dimension. To me its another worldly consciousness, filled with Joy and Colors, high oscillating energies, vortexes and spirals… almost like another galactic existence. Yet its not far away from our reality, as its just 2 dimensions above our 3rd Dimension. The first three dimensions we know of (the dimensions of space and material), then comes the fourth dimension of time or some call it the bardo, the additional dimensions are higher consciousness and come we can tap into. So by participating in these Happenings, its in a way like a free space ship ride into a cosmic world”.
Eva Ariela Lindberg

5th Dimensional Happening are expressions of
Cosmic Forces
Vibrant Colors
Constant Movement
Spiraling Symbolism
Energy Consciousness
Abstract Conceptualization