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Naked Creations of Art

Discombobulated Self copyIn general I usually host 5th Dimensional art events, yet lately I have been gathering many of my drawings together into series for future exhibitions. These are art pieces that follow me out through my life, and come out of me spontaneously.

I love sitting and drawing what I encounter and see in life, and sometimes faces land on my drawing pad, like a gently reminder that we have met and maybe to be remembered. Often they look like people I met or know, or sometimes entirely new faces arrive… and I welcome them. As I wrote in my earlier blog; I get a sense of what these figures ‘feel or think’ and then I doodle a title down…

Naked Faces & Emotional States Series are art pieces that convey the human condition, portraying how we feel or experience life, which some of us express and some don’t. I think it’s important to address how we think or feel as we move through life. These simple drawings are innocent reminders that we are all the same deep inside, and it can be supportive and fun to view a collective thinking pool.

The featured image is called ‘FragmAutumn Blues copyented Self’, as in these day and age of all the social media, our attention is becoming split in many ways.

The 5th Dimensional Happenings are special multi media events, in where my 5th Dimensional oil paintings (created in Berkeley, CA) are projected on dancer’s or participants wearing white clothes. The dynamic and colorful art pieces create a visual impact when it ‘lands’ on the viewer, dancer or participant in the field of projection. Often these events are accompanied with music.

Please see these link for various videos from past Happenings.

5th Dimensional Happenings:

5th Dimensional Performance

5th Dimensional Workshop & Happening


With many blessings and continued creative life to us all, Eva Ariela