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The Secrecy of Art

I am getting ready to finalize my art for shows overseas, and wondering which of the styles to work with this time… Yes, a leisure problem and headache we artist have, hey! May seam trivial compared to our world problems, yet for an artist, displaying beauty is also important. Even in economical lows, art still needs to be shared and hopefully sold.

I have a few more intimate series of illustrations, that I have not yet shared with the public. I hope to gather those creations to yet another display in the future, making the ‘un-exposed-so-far art pieces’ come out there! I have a show coming up in a less spacious gallery venue, and it may fit well for smaller crowds and more intimate viewing. New reactions awaiting the hidden work kept in secrecy ~ coming out in the open. I guess that is what secrecy of art is all about, until one day its not ‘ganuz’ – in hiding.

5th DIM. Dance Teatron Tmuna 2014

Even if I have dealt with public appearances for years, each time one shows new art forms or ideas, it’s always like the first time. So I look forward to showing my new style, and see how it will be received. It’s ok to have a few artistic styles, even though it’s a common belief that one should adhere to one format and be good at one thing. There are all kinds of Artists, some stick to one stylized expression, while others go through different periods of painting sprees, like Picasso, etc.

I have a few different styles, from 5th Dimensional Artwork, to Tulip Motifs, to Kabbalistic posters and hand painted signs. Soon, I will name a whole new body of work… curious what it will be? Stay tuned!

Still, the message within me has always been that displaying oil paintings or illustrations on a wall is great, yet bringing ‘out the work’, as a multi media projection with sounds of music, is the best. As then the viewer gets to enjoy the 3d painting and bask in the energy field it has – by being enveloped within the projected area – feeling the visual buzz and musical sounds around them. That is what I call the 5th Dimensional Landscape.

Since my art is pretty dynamic, adding music to a multi media projection makes the 3d art pieces, come out in an even more alive way. Since I studied in California, I have led workshops and events with the 5th Dimensional Happening, so if any one is interested in having a fun dynamic and playful experience for their own birthday, wedding or any other festive activities, I recommend this kind of unusual venues. To get a feel, you are welcome to see videos here

People interested in “art”, people interested in “dance” people interested in “music”… Or, people interested in the combined experience, are all welcome to participate in my 5th Dimensional Art Happenings – are you ready to join?’


5th DIM & Flamenco copy

Stay tuned for our next show in May, 2016

5th DIM HAPPENING @ First Station at Machol Shalem

with Flamenco Dancer Micaela Harari ~

‘Creation Story’ Performance & Community participation

Eva Ariela’s 5th Dimensional Artwork, Multi media show, music & movement.

Saturday, 14 May, 9.30 pm in Jerusalem


Many blessings and much love,

Eva Ariela