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We can paint a better future…

It’s never too late to do what we always dream of doing. And this applies to everything in life. We often daydream of another life we could have, or another place we could live in, etc. I found that painting a dream or a vision of what we want, can manifest our wishes. Even if we are not called artists or think we are not good at drawing/painting, I believe we all have it in us to become artists, in our own way. In any case, to draw or paint a preferred visualized life, place or state of being, can help us receive it in real life.

Or if we feel dis-empowered by all the media, bad news and our ailing world, or we feel helpless in making a difference on a personal level. Then it can be good to take a paper and write a Poem for Peace… or grab a brush and a canvas, closing our eyes for a couple of minutes and find that subtle inspiration; and start to create a better world we like to live in. We need to make an effort these days to shift the global consciousness, and the more we visualize peace and harmony, we can influence the world with better ‘vibes’ and good intentions. Painting a new future can be empowering in these challenging times.

Detail of 5th Dimensional Oil Painting  'Space Opera'

Letting our own internal creativity bubble up, letting our soul spread its wings, and share our inner thoughts or creations with others. Letting our wishful secrets become known – and more so, allowing people to get to know our wishes and desire can be transformative. Letting people with positive attitudes and inspirations come into our lives, our social circles, by sharing our creative ideas. Again, I am a firm believer that all of us, have an inner artistic place within, all we need to do is to trust in the process.

For example, when I sat in front of the canvas, before I discovered the 5th Dimensional Art style, I was trying to see what needed to be painted or to come forth from my hands. I listened quietly, then let my hands guide the actual paintings, as my hands already knew what to draw. I think at that time, I tapped into a collective pool of cosmic consciousness. If we let our mind step aside, then the intuitive part of our body and mind is allowed to come forth, making the creative flow come out by itself. It’s simple, yet we need to trust we all have the potential. I believe there is an endless well of creative power within each being, and that we can paint a better future for us individually, as well for our world.

When I was in the beginning of my 5th Dimensional art phase in Berkeley California I found that my inner self wanted to paint swirls, spirals and glowing vortexes, as if I was inside deep space of the universe ~ you can see the images I post here in the blog. For others it may be another landscape to discover, or a series of figures, or people coming out in realistic or abstracts forms. For more info you can visit

This intuitive creative process, could also lead to more involvement in the Arts, but can be a great tool for anyone, in order to manifest ones dreams via the artistic expression. To become more of a professional artist it’s a bit different of course. For me, being an Artist started at age 12 (when I did my first oil painting) which began a path that has lasted till now and will probably last a life time, G’d willing. To keep cultivating the creative flame, was not always easy for lack of time or inspiration. Still, I took a lot of art classes, which was paramount to understanding realism, figurative drawings, illustrative sketches, mixed media art pieces (can be seen in the featured images above) and more.

Later on, I entered a more intuitive direction and learned how to paint with oil on canvas; which led me to my first 5th dimensional artwork with great teacher Ross Drago. Spending many years painting away, applying to galleries etc, show casing, getting hand painted sign ready for fairs, Happenings, etc. A lot of work indeed, yet it’s rewarding and gives a lot satisfaction.

You are welcome to visit my ETSY store as well, where I sell signs, hand crafted paintings, mezuzot, shabbat candlesticks, etc

Many blessings, Eva Ariela