Gate of Mercy in Jerusalem
For our next Co-Vision and also this year’s Co-Praying online event, we plan to work with the theme of Mercy,
via the actual Gate of Mercy in the Old City in Jerusalem, also known as the Golden Gate.
This Gate of Mercy (Sha’ar HaRACHAMIM in Hebrew) has many stories told and yet some yet unknown.
In this article you can read more about the deeper meaning in what is held in this physical domain…
The GATE of MERCY or GATE of COMPASSION is symbolically a gateway that opens the new steps towards Redemption (Geulah in Hebrew).
Enjoy also the song written by Meir Banai, sharing the importance of redemptive power.
The CoVision event will be an online event, like all of them we have hosted since beginning of 2020, and it will be
24 June 2024, 9pm (IST), for more info about the CO~VISION videos, please visit my youtube channel.
To get more info about the program, time zones & the zoom invite please contact us here

Art piece of the Golden Gate in the Old City, painted by Gothenburg artist, Asher, bless his memory.
The featured image is created by Hana Alisa Omer from Prague, Gate of Mercy, according to Dr. Yitzhak Hayutman‘s Vision of The Heavenly Jerusalem/