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Art in Nature

We are now visiting Sweden, and are staying with wonderful friends in Småland. Amrita started the Voice of Gaia international project and Thoor built this amazing ecological retreat home, and its so inspiring to be here again.

Amrita is also a singer and here you can enjoy a wonderful arrangement. Enjoying doing a new art piece Mother Earth, Tulips & Flames. Check it out in this video.

Even though the weather is still a bit chilly, we enjoy the natural setting of typical nordic landscape, sitting and drawing. Småland is known for its tightly planted forests, with many pine trees.

We are not far from the lovely Wimmerby Village, where all of Astrid Lindgren’s stories are played out in a wonderful Disney land kind of village, but way more pastoral and old Swedish country style.

My own whimsical drawings have abit of childlike innocence such as Emil i Lönneberga or Pippi Långstrump.

Here you can see some of early work, a bit mischevious and innocent illustrations of mine.

For any of my other art styles you are welcome to visit my gallery page.

Many Blessings and Keep inspire, Eva Ariela