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Transforming our dark season into Light & Happiness

my menorah at tulip

Since I was a kid
I’ve always been inspired and uplifted during this time of the year, feeling a sense of coziness. Being raised and born in Sweden in the month of November, made me love rain & snow, often watching the lights flickering in the window seals of people’s homes during Christmas. The sense of peeking into another person’s home and environment, made my first impressions as a young curious artist, thriving on harmonious aesthetics.

menorah Ir David

To see the transformation from pitch black evenings, to glowing brightest, thanks to all these beautiful light arrangements had a positive message of ‘despite the external cold, one can have an inner glow’. Also, I believe, somewhere everyone recalls, consciously and unconsciously, that on 21 December, things will turn into brighter days again, when the sun changes its ecliptic pattern. So once mood gets uplifted again.

The warm fuzzy feeling and coziness that Christmas brought to me in Sweden, is similar to, but not entirely the same as Chanukah brings to me here in Israel. Within a short amount of time, days or weeks, the entire country changes from “cold and windy winter mood” into a more uplifting and happy Chanukah spirit. Full of love & happiness, caring for one another. The Chanukah candles lighting is a great time to also just sit and look at the flames; there is a lovely tradition to look at the candles until they go out and make wishes. Watching the flames… is unreal, so many forms and sparks come out of the fire element – making me be consumed by its force.

This familiar holy spark and warm-ness, can’t easily be found anywhere else. You can see the Chanukiah from this week at Tulip Center on the featured image. The colorful flames meeting the air, reflecting to me imaginary figures, which I can’t wait to put on the canvas. Over all, a peaceful sensation and inner reflection within me brings me back to my childhood. Not only is Chanukah – the festival of light, a time to be uplifted and find spiritual motivation, it’s also a time to socialize with family and friends, show love for our beloved ones – and feeling loved by others.

As the creative artist I am, this is also a time of the year when another sort of inspiration is slowly beginning to sparkle within me; creations await to take off to a new level. It reminds Tulip Menurahme how we plant Tulips this time of the year, which can make us ‘seed our wishes’ in Mother Earth, also awaiting for new energies to be manifested in the spring. This Saturday evening, 12.12 we will have Chanukah Celebration and 5th Dimensional Happening.

This Rosh Chodes/Melaveh Malkah is a social gathering, to celebrate the holiness of the Chanukah candles, as well as the last few days of Kislev. Come and schmooze, share some joy, love for music and delicious food… what better way to celebrate the 7th day of Chanukah? And share your personal light with others.

In a way, the light that Chanukah and Christmas brings to the world, is similar to my intention with my artwork, workshops and events. To bring more light into a world of darkness, attempting to make this world a brighter and better place to want to live in. How can we change today’s dark and rough attitude between people, into a softer and kinder way of treating our fellow brothers and sisters? Through togetherness, Arts, Music, Muse and more….
My 5th dimensional art, is an artistic way to express one’s inner feelings and outer well being… to reach spiritual heights.

I wish you all a wonderful white and light December!  Does not matter what tradition you hold, make sure to share your light with others, to ensure their lives getting brighter as well, just like yours. And may we all, together, unite to disperse the darkness and evil; together weaving a more gentle and kind world.

Happy Chanukah, Eva Ariela