Welcome to my website ~ www.EvaAriela.com
I am excited to share my Art & Life projects on this new site, like an umbrella website for all my life’s experiences and creative endeavours, which began when I was 12 years old. It was then that I created my first oil painting while living in Stockholm, Sweden.
It took two months after my birth, for my Mother to know what to name me. They kept calling from the “Mjölk Centralen” (the Infant Center) asking “So what is the baby’s name?” and my Mother said, “Sorry, I don’t know!” Then one cold day in January, she finally heard the angels whisper in her ears, “Eva Ariela”. As a young little being I had been nameless for few months, almost becoming a tabula rasa…entering into the world in a state of nothing-ness. Yes, as babies, we are in an exquisite space, before starting to grow into the 3rd dimensional reality; like an empty canvas, eagerly waiting for the oil paints to be thrown into an joyous celebration of colours.
These days I realize that I continued to be in a bit of ‘nothing–ness’ state most of my life, despite being filled with so much abundance, wonderful family and friends, countries and interesting work and projects…and much more. I believe this ‘nothing–ness’ later became a great platform for me to be creative in a various venues.
My masters studies lead me to a life of re-creation and reinvention of work. From an art style I invented, called the 5th Dimensional Artwork, inspired by the great art teacher, Ross Drago in Berkeley, CA. To the creation of the Kin of Kiva Healing Center in my Masters program, in USC, CA., an utopian village synthesizing a spiritual center, permaculture and organic architecture residences. Out of this center came the idea for a healing system that involves the flower Tulip and healing, called Tulip Love. ‘Tulip Love Healing’ system, uses the symbol of the Tulip’s majestic and delicate nature as a parallel to our own human qualities. Seeing the outer and inner beauty in each one of us, by developing a tender self- awareness, as well as acknowledging the majestic qualities within our being.
People may not fully understand what I am trying to bring forth to the world, yet most who come to experience my artwork or healing modality, understand it.
So maybe I have continued to be that ‘empty canvas’, that I was born into… an undefined being, in where potential existence crept into me….as I never sat down and planned any of these projects, they gently slipped in. Since we are G-d’s created children, I was one of his creations….born into an Eva Ariela.
So thank you for visiting my Eva Ariela website and be great to learn about you and your lives. And if anyone ever told you that you are not a good artist or have potential for being one, then ignore that totally. We all have an endless oasis of creative power inside of us….it may just not have been explored yet. I love teaching people art as within each person lives a fabulous universe, as well as a beautiful blossom.
You are welcome to visit Blog – Eva Ariela page as well.
Many blessings, Eva Ariela