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In days of uncertainty, Art heals

Today was a crazy day in Israel, a small nation being attacked with hundreds of rockets, all sent from Iran. A barrage of non stopping targets to all cities and areas, not discriminating what religious group or faith it may be hurting.

All day, I talked or chatted with many of my friends and family, whom were mostly either in a bomb shelter or driving. My good friends, a family of five, had to run out of the car as sirens began and lay down on dirty concrete slabs, face down. The new generation of kids are both getting stronger and also more traumatized.

In days of uncertainty, Art could heal ones soul, but I have little desire to paint nor draw… being on the pulse on how to help, pray or being in loving touch. A constant subtle unrest… yet I must say it has been less stressful since we came to Sweden. When we lived in the Galilee, we felt more connected and less worried, as we have to live in the ‘moment of now’. When one is the midst of it all, one lives day to day life. From here one gets more concerned on one level, yet on the other hand, one feels much more relaxed and begin to wind down from the trauma vortex.

Last week we met for our quarterly Co~Vision events, in where I presented my 5th Dimensional Artwork, and was good for me to share my collection, to reinvigorate and feel creative again. To me these images can be healing to observe and soothes ones soul. So Art can be of help in times of war, yet one needs to take the time to do so…

To view my art pieces visit my gallery. If you need a calming or colorfilled artwork in your home or office, you may be interested in getting a print, visit my landing page.

Blessings, love & Peace to us all. Eva Ariela