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Creativity in times of uncertainty

Man's struggleCreativity in times of uncertainty is a good thing, as I have some control over my media, if its oil on canvas, paper & pens or mixed media. Here, I can at least share my feelings of what it feels to be a human being in these crazy times.

As we are experiencing new landscapes in the Human Experience… we have the choice to choose trust and believe in the good, even if a lot seams to point the other way. Therefor, being creative becomes a strong healing tool to deal with the stress and escalations of fear of the unknown to come.

Poetry, art, music, movement... all inspire us to be in the moment and away from negative thought patterns. As for the moment, we do not know where we are all heading, whom is charge and who is coming from good intentions and those who have agendas. What country may be dealing best with the pandemic, which society takes best care of its citizens, etc. One important thing for me is to connect back to Divine source, HaShem our Creator, and establishing a straight line to my souls purpose. This empowers me and makes me be able to stand up straight, rain or shine.

We try, We stumble, We fall, We stand up…

and very soon,

human experienceWe will be doing all this in unison and not divided,

such looks my vision,

and no one can take that away from me.

To view my Art, see my gallery page, on my website

to order personal custom made oil paintings or mixed media artwork, visit my commissioned page.

Many Blessings, Peace & Love, Eva Ariela