Visiting the past & moving into the 5th Dimension
Yet another week has passed by, partly in Europe and partly in Sweden. It’s such a wonderful feeling being able to travel around, seeing old and new places, spending time
All Blog posts from 2014-2023
Yet another week has passed by, partly in Europe and partly in Sweden. It’s such a wonderful feeling being able to travel around, seeing old and new places, spending time
After another few weeks here in Sweden, visiting galleries, I’ve realized even more, just how much I love my work! Art, especially 5th dimensional art is my work, my life,
It’s a good feeling to cool off in Sweden after hot Jerusalem, and I can add, though without insulting any divine weather sources, I think its been raining a bit
After being in New York for the Clio Art fair in Chelsea, last march, I am inspired to continue presenting the 5th Dimensional Happenings. We are planning another one in
I am really greateful that a few decades ago, I discovered the outer boundaries of another dimensional landscape in my artwork. This energetic vibrancy was life changing and my vision softened
The 5th Dimensional Artwork style I developed in 1990, at the Energy Art school in Berkeley. It catapulted into a world of vibrancy within the medium of oil and strongly
Welcome to my new website ~ I am excited to share my Art & Life projects on this new site, like an umbrella website for all my life’s experiences and creative endeavours,
An overview of how a deeper awareness of how vibrant colors and the medium of oil can convey a certain vibration of other energy consciousness and symbolic movement.
Eva Ariela Lindberg
USA +1 510 527 4389
SWEDEN + 46 73 651 6136
ISRAEL + 972 54 486 0597
Copyright © 2023 Eva Ariela Lindberg
All Rights Reserved